The D70 Board of Education will meet in a regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Nov. 18 at the Educational Resource Center (ERC), 1381 W. Lake St., Libertyville.
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Christine Crawford is the associate medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the country’s largest grassroots mental health organization. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Vice Chair of Education at the Boston University School of Medicine and provides outpatient psychiatric care to children and adolescents at Boston Medical Center. Dr. Crawford has compiled an invaluable resource, and it includes many stories from patients and parents about their paths to recovery.
Former Bulls player DeMar DeRozan (now playing with the Sacramento Kings) shares his mental health journey and his book, Above the Noise: My Story of Chasing Calm, at 7 p.m. on Nov. 19th.
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Welcome to Libertyville, District 70
Whether you are new to the area, are returning home, or have lived here your whole life, you are welcome in District 70.