English Language Arts

K-5 Language Arts Overview

Literacy education in District 70 strives to increase student performance in the areas of reading, writing, phonics, word study, grammar, and vocabulary.  

New for the 2023-24 School Year - Amplify CKLA: K-5 students
Overview: of Amplify CKLA for parents: Welcome, Amplify CKLA® families! - Caregiver hub
Parent Testimonial: CKLA Testimonial: From a Parent Perspective (35 minutes)

The Science of Reading guided selection of language arts resources.
Learn more by listening to podcasts by Amplify.

  • Science of Reading: The Podcast delivers the latest insights from researchers and practitioners in early reading. Each episode takes a conversational approach and explores a timely topic related to the Science of Reading.



Families Learning Together: Amplify CKLA

6-8 Language Arts and Literature

Highland Middle School students use curriculum from:
6th & 7th grades - StudySync
McGraw-Hill StudySync: Highland 6th (grade level and accelerated) and 7th (grade level):
StudySync is a complete ELA curriculum designed to meet the rigorous academic needs of today’s classroom. StudySync is a living curriculum, with rich multimedia and captivating resources added every day. Read more about StudySync resources from the website.

All Accelerated, Gifted, & 8th grade - SpringBoard
Springboard by College Board: Highland 8th grade: (6th grade Gifted, 7th Grade Accelerated and Gifted, and 8th grade level, Accelerated, and Gifted)
SpringBoard ELA offers a full curriculum for students in grades 6–12. Throughout the program, they read and analyze a wide range of texts in genres including poetry, novels, plays, biographies, nonfiction narratives, speeches, and films. They also learn to write in forms including essays, personal narratives, argumentative texts such as editorials, and research papers. Each grade level uses complex, grade-appropriate texts that allow students to examine an idea from multiple points of view while working with a variety of genres. Students progress from guided reading through collaborative projects to confident, independent work. Learn more about SpringBoard ELA via the website.

Highland English/Language Arts Courses

For sixth grade:
The Language Arts course provides students with an introduction to grammar and mechanics, and their application. Students are taught the structure of writing for a variety of purposes. Word origins are presented to students. A collaborative environment is fostered to support classroom discussions and presentations.

The Literature course explores a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. Elements of literature are introduced in short stories and novels. Students are trained to navigate through informational texts to extract main ideas, vocabulary, and cross-curricular connections.

For seventh grade:
The Language Arts course provides students with a review of grammar and mechanics. Students are given a variety of writing experiences. The established word origins are extended. A collaborative environment is fostered to support classroom discussions and presentations.

The Literature course explores a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. Elements of literature are applied to short stories and novels. Students are trained to navigate through informational texts to extract main ideas, vocabulary, and cross-curricular connections. 

For eighth grade: 
The Language Arts course provides students with an application to grammar and mechanics in writing and contextual use. Students are taught the structure of literary analysis. Word origins are reinforced. A collaborative environment is fostered to support classroom discussions and presentations.

The Literature course explores a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. Elements of literature are analyzed in short stories and novels. Students are trained to navigate through informational texts to extract main ideas, vocabulary, and cross-curricular connections.