School Report Cards
School Report Cards
Why does Illinois issue School Report Cards?
The School Report Card is used as a tool to inform the community about public schools in Illinois.
What is reported in School Report Cards?
Information pertaining to school enrollment, average class size, time dedicated to subject area, teacher experience, school finances, and student performance are just a few of the areas that are presented. Here's are four important areas to watch:
• Student growth percentile: It shows year-to-year progress toward meeting learning standards, that is how much a student grew compared to academic peers who started at the same level. You can find out more online at the Illinois State Board of Education.
• Proficiency: It breaks down the percentage of students meeting or exceeding state standards, as well as the percentage of students approaching proficiency bench marks.
• Summative designations: The Illinois State Board of Education categorizes schools in one of four groups: exemplary, commendable, comprehensive and targeted. Schools in the exemplary category are among the highest performing top 10%, while schools in the targeted category are among the lowest performing 5%. You can find out more online at the Illinois State Board of Education.
• Equity Journey Continuum: An informational tool to help districts view their data through the lens of equity. It identifies gaps in student achievement, opportunities, and supports making the data more useful for districts to improve outcomes for students.
Where can I get a copy of my schoolʼs School Report Card?
School Report Cards are posted online and are available for request at each school in Libertyville District 70.
How can I tell if my childʼs school continues to improve?
You are able to compare School Report Cards online at our District site for the previous two years, or you may visit the Illinois Interactive Report Card site developed and maintained by Northern Illinois University.
When are state tests administered?
State-mandated tests are given in the Spring and include the Illinois Assessment of Readiness in English language arts and math, is administered each spring to students in third through eighth grades; and the Illinois Science Assessment taken by fifth-, eighth-graders. The tests measure student growth and proficiency in meeting state standards.
How is student performance measured on state tests?
Adequate yearly progress (AYP) is a component of the federal legislation act known as No Child Left Behind. By the 2013-2014 school year all students in all subgroups are expected to meet or exceed state standards as evidenced by their successful performance on state tests. To reach that goal, step increases were created. All students and subgroups in Libertyville District 70 continue to meet AYP and continue to show improvement across subject areas.
2023 School Report Card for Libertyville School District 70 (Overview)
2022 Report Card for Libertyville School District 70
2020-21 Report Card for Libertyville School District 70
(To pull up the 2020-21 state report card, click on Custom Report Card Builder and click on 2021)
Due to the pandemic, the most current report cards for the year 2019-2020 were waived.