eLearning vs Snow Day
Libertyville District 70 may call a snow/emergency day where there is no school. The District would then ask students to attend an extra day at the end of the school year on a planned traditional emergency day. To learn more about district weather related closings please visit the page about School Closing Information
The other option is to enact an “eLearning day.” Please see the information below on how to engage remotely during eLearning instruction.
The District will likely call one or two emergency days prior to enacting eLearning as to not extend the school calendar too far into June.
Five things parents should know about eLearning
- The school day starts at 8:15 for Grades 1-5 and 8:50 for 6-8.
- Your child's teacher (grades 1-5) will communicate Google Meet codes by 8:00 am. In grades 6-8, Google Meet codes are the first initial and last name of the teacher (Ex: Michelle Langlie = mlanglie)
- Little Sprouts and Kindergarten will have a packet to work on for the day, and the teacher will provide office hours for parent questions about eLearning..
- Specials and student support (GTE, special education, intervention) will be scheduled for your child if they typically attend on that given day.
- Samples schedules and more information are listed below.
D70 Emergency Days
Libertyville District 70 may declare a snow or emergency day, resulting in no school. In this case, students must attend an additional day at the end of the school year. These days are listed in June as “Emergency Day.”
Alternatively, the district may implement an “eLearning day.” Below is information on how students will participate remotely during eLearning sessions.
The district will likely designate one or two emergency days (i.e. snow days) before transitioning to eLearning to avoid extending the school calendar too far into June.
D70 eLearning Plan
In the event of school closings, Libertyville District 70 may implement an “Electronic Learning” (eLearning) day instead of using the traditionally scheduled snow/emergency days at the end of the school year. On eLearning days, first through eighth-grade students and teachers will participate in remote and virtual instruction (via Google Meet) from their homes instead of in person at school. During eLearning days, District 70 will partner with families to provide meaningful and engaging electronic and non-electronic learning opportunities outside of the classroom, which will maintain high expectations and pursue increased student growth and achievement.
eLearning will look different for Little Sprouts Preschool and kindergarten students who do not bring iPads home. Additional information about Little Sprouts and kindergarten is noted below.
Students in grades 1 - 8 can expect at least two hours and 15 minutes of live instruction and about two hours and 45 minutes of independent offline, asynchronous work. Middle school students can expect two hours of live instruction and up to three hours of independent offline, asynchronous work.
According to Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) requirements, attendance will be recorded for students participating in eLearning. Evidence of attendance in eLearning will include work completion, participation in online discussions, and the generation of online work products or reflections. Once evidence of attendance has been verified for a class, the teacher will mark the student “present” in the student attendance system.
The eLearning day will be marked as an unexcused absence for students who do not show evidence of attendance after one calendar week.
Sample Schedules Grades 1-5
- 8:00 am - Teachers will communicate a schedule with families/students
- 8:15 am - School day begins via Google Meet
- Within the schedule, you can expect the following:
- 30 minutes of live instruction on math, literacy, and one other subject (determined by the teacher) = 90 minutes
- 30 minutes of office hours for students to check in with the teacher as needed
- Specials (PE, Art, Music, Learning Center) will be included in the schedule
- Extra-curriculars & Support staff (band, orchestra, enrichment/gifted, intervention, special education) will communicate with students/families affected about Meet times and codes
Grades 1-5 Sample Schedule
Little Sprouts & Kindergarten Students
- Kindergarten and Little Sprouts students leave their iPads at school rather than bringing them home. Kindergarten and Little Sprouts teachers will create and distribute a packet of learning activities that can be sent home with students to complete if school is canceled. Activity sheets should be submitted to the classroom teacher for feedback. Kindergarten and Little Sprouts teachers will create a schedule that includes four 30-minute times that parents can contact the teacher with questions about the home activities.
- Kindergarten and Little Sprouts teachers will share a Google Meet link that parents can use to connect with the teacher by 8:00 am.
Highland Middle School Grades 6-8
- Highland students will follow their regular daily school and class schedule.
- The Google Meet Code for each class period should be the teacher’s first initial and last name.
- For example, the teacher name: Tara Oshinski = toshinski
- Staff and students begin each class via Google Meet and have live, all-class Google Meet for 15 minutes of each class.
Grades 6-8 Highland Sample Schedule
Scheduled IEP Special Education Meetings (PreK-8th)
- IEP meetings will be held virtually on an eLearning day if parents agree. The student’s case manager will contact the parents with a meeting link. If the parent wants to meet in person, the case manager will work with them to reschedule.
General Technology Information
- Students (or parents/guardians) should still communicate with the teacher if there are technology challenges. Students can submit work to a teacher within five school days.
- The Google Meet page of the Student Access 1:1 website is designed to support students and families with navigating technology on eLearning days. This page includes video tutorials, a one-pager of directions with visuals about how to log in to Google Meets, and visuals for the tools/buttons in a Google Meet. Please note that your child's teacher or school will provide you with the class Google Meet code/nickname(s) and your student's D70 email/password needed for login.