Mentoring Program

District 70 logo with black seven and red zero as an apple in a circle.

The District 70 New Teacher Mentoring Program is a two-year, ISBE approved program for all new teachers. Key components of the program include:

  • Mentor/Protégé Introduction Luncheon

This introductory luncheon is attended by all mentors and protégés as well as district administrators, school principals and secretarial staff.

  • Mentor training on Formative Observations

Mentors attend training on the best practices in formative observations. The difference between this formative process and the administrative evaluation is stresses, along with issues around confidentiality. Mentors are provided with suggestions for asking probing questions and how to give non-judgmental feedback.

  • Formative observations of the protégé by the mentor (3)

Once training has been provided, mentors are required to conduct three(3) formative observations during the year, preferably one per trimester. Each observation includes a pre-conference meeting, the observation, and a post-conference meeting wherein the observation is discussed and feedback provided. Protégé reflection is also required and can be part of the observation, or written at the end of the trimester. Mentors comment on these reflections in writing.

  • One modeled lesson by the mentor

Mentors are asked to host their protégé and demonstrate at least one modeled lesson during the year. Topics are of their mutual agreement and include an informal post observation conference to reflect.

  • Monthly activity checklists

Mentors and protégés are provided with comprehensive program booklets containing extensive lists of monthly activities. These lists are intended to prompt conversations about the activities and prepare the new teacher for events that lie ahead and how they are handled. Knowing far in advance of the activity, just what is expected, and what role the new teacher will play, or how to prepare, serves to foster successful experiences