Teacher Resources

2023 - 2028 Professional Negotiations Agreement

The 2023-2028 negotiated agreement between the Libertyville Education Association and the District 70 Board of Education.

District 70 Employment Page
Click on this link to go to the District 70 Employment page to view current job opportunities, and create or continue an employment application.
ISBE Web Site
The official site of the Illinois State Board of Education


Lake County Regional Office of Education
Information about Lake County vacancies as well as substitute, paraeducator and teacher certification.
Observation Request Form (Practicum)

This form is provided to pre-student teachers, or those doing a practicum, and who are requesting observation hours in the schools. Those requesting observation hours should download the form, complete it, and send it to the appropriate school principal for consideration.

Teacher's Retirement System
A link to the TRS site.

 Title IX Training Handout