Rockland students stand outside of school for first day.

Learning Together


Empower student growth and achievement through equitable, challenging opportunities that promote excellence, innovation, critical thinking, and respect. 

D70 Mission Statement 2022
Dr. Otto checks in on a classroom
students on the floor in a classroom listening

Libertyville School District 70 resides in the heart of Libertyville, Illinois. 

The respectful and collaborative working relationship between students, parents and staff make District 70 an exceptional place to educate children and Libertyville a wonderful community in which to live. We are a school district committed to continuous improvement.  

D70 Vision Statement is Learning Together.

The district hosts four award-winning elementary schools, three that are kindergarten through fifth grade, and one that is preschool through fifth grade, and one award-winning middle school that includes sixth through eighth grade. Enrollment in 2023 was 2,069 students with 210 certified personal on staff according to Sixth Day Enrollment figures shared with ISBE.  The breakdown of enrollment showed 710 students for Highland Middle School, then 479 students at Butterfield School, the largest D70 elementary school, then Copeland Manor with 373 students, followed by Rockland with 282 students and Adler Park, the smallest elementary school, with 225 students. 


District 70 Core Values

Core Values for d70 as of 2022-23

Brief History of District 70

1850 - Local records indicate that the school district was formed in 1850

March 5, 1946 - The Township School Trustees approved annexing five acres to District 70 from Rondout School District 72. (The area is in Section 23, Township 45 Range 11)

April 1952 - A small parcel in the northwest quarter of Section 17 was annexed  to District 70 from Bush School District 71. 

Bush School was a one-room school on Butterfield Road near Route 137 and was dissolved and annexed to District 70 on April 9, 1962. 

Aug. 31, 1959 - The one-room Wright School District 69, located between Route 45 and Route 21, was dissolved and annexed to District 70. A joint petition was filed by Districts 69 and 70 for the change, which was approved by the County Board of School Trustees. 

April 9, 1962 - Bush School District 71 was dissolved and annexed to District 70.   A joint petition was filed by Districts 71 and 70 for the change, which was approved by the County Board of School Trustees.  The four-room school building was used by the Special Education District of Lake County (SEDOL) after the annexation. The building was sold to a developer for $119,000 on March 24, 1986. 

Through the Applications of Learning, students demonstrate and deepen their understanding of basic knowledge and skills. As defined, these applied learning skills cross academic disciplines and reinforce the importance of the disciplines. The ability to use these skills will greatly influence students' success in school, in the workplace and in the community.

This is a wheel that shows communicating, working on teams, self-direction, problem solving, using technoloyg and connections