D70 Prepared for Excessive Heat Expected Aug. 26 & 27

D70 Prepared for Excessive Heat Expected Aug. 26 & 27

We are monitoring the weather and creating ways to keep students and staff cool during the high temperatures and humidity expected to continue tomorrow, Aug. 26, and Tuesday, Aug. 27.

In response to the excessive heat watch issued by the National Weather Service, we are keeping the school air conditioners running overnight to maintain a consistently cool temperature as all of our school buildings are air-conditioned. We will hold indoor recess at all schools tomorrow, including Adler Park, Butterfield, Copeland Manor, Highland Middle, Rockland, and Little Sprouts Preschool.

Additionally, be assured we will make adjustments to limit outdoor athletic practices, physical education classes, and after-school activities as needed for students and staff. While we anticipate Wednesday to offer lower temperatures, we are prepared to continue changes should the heat wave continue into the week.

Other changes may include:

  • Closing classroom blinds to outside windows to deflect sunlight from heating rooms;
  • Teachers and staff monitoring classroom temperatures and alerting the school front office of any concerns;
  • Fans may be used in some classrooms to provide additional relief;
  • Families sending their children to school with a refillable water bottle to help them stay hydrated;
  • In-school reminders for students and staff to remain hydrated;
  • Children dressing in light, cool clothing appropriate for school activities;
  • Students taking a bus home will be lining up inside the building to limit their time on buses that are not air-conditioned.

We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed with an email and posts on the website.