Want to Help Your School? Here Are Some Ways...

Want to Help Your School? Here Are Some Ways...

There are many ways you can support your public schools. 

  • Volunteer: Offer your time to assist with various school activities, such as reading to students, supporting classroom teachers, helping in the Learning Center, chaperoning field trips, or assisting with extracurricular activities.
  • Donate Supplies: Classroom supplies, books for the library, sports equipment, or even food for a food pantry can make a big difference. Donating these items directly benefits students in many ways.
  • Attend a Back-To-School Event, Curriculum Night, or Families Learning Together: D70 schools host parent nights to start the school year. Attend to get informed and engage in your child’s education.
  • Be Active in Your School Family Associaton:  D70 Family Associations enable parents and educators to build rapport and discuss programs and other opportunities to enhance students’ learning experiences. It’s a great way to stay engaged and ensure your school has the support it needs. Parents/guardians are automatically a member of the FA for the school that your child attends.  
  • Participate in Fundraisers: D70 schools appreciate additional funds raised by the community and the D70 Foundation for Excellence in Education, to support special programs, improve facilities, or purchase new equipment. Get involved by participating in or supporting these important efforts.
  • Advocate for Your School: This could mean lobbying for policy changes, increased funding, or other support that will benefit your D70 schools and the students it serves. Show lawmakers and policymakers that you’re invested in the future of education in your community.