Champions Child Care


Orange and white logo for Champions after-school care.

Before- & After- School Programming

Before- and after-school programming for kindergarten through fifth grade is offered at Adler Park, Butterfield, Copeland Manor, and Rockland schools. For students in  sixth, seventh and eighth grade, child care programming is offered next door at Rockland School.  

The before-school program runs from 6:30 to 8 a.m., while the after-school program funs from 2:45 p.m. to 6 p.m.   

Champions also has a daycare program housed at Butterfield School. 

Child care is offered by Champions for Thanksgiving, winter, spring, and summer school breaks, along with the days off of school. The program is held at Butterfield School for school holidays and breaks. 

Please click on the program you are interested in to find out more information or call 1-800-246-2154. 

Adler Park (K-5)

Butterfield (K-5, Thanksgiving, winter, spring & summer, also Summer Camp )

Copeland Manor (K-5)

Rockland (K-8)

Early Learning (Infant to PreK/K)