Health Services

Student health is very important in Libertyville District 70.  To support students, a full-time registered nurse is on staff at each school. The nurses  help students with bumps, bruises, health emergencies and ensure student health records are up-to-date. 

The school code of Illinois, Section 665, requires that each student entering school for the first time (kindergarten) and students entering sixth grade, along with transfer students, must submit evidence of the various examinations.  

Per Illinois School Code, there are several requirements that must be met according to Important  Health Information for Grades K-8, including: 

What exam?

When does it need to be done?

Physical Exam New students entering District 70 for the first time, kindergarten, 6th grade students and students electing to participate in sports. 

New students entering District 70 for the first time, kindergarten, and 6th grade students.

Dental Exam Students entering kindergarten, second and sixth grade students.
Eye Exam Students entering the Illinois school system for the first time and kindergartners. 

The physical examination must be dated within one (1) year prior to the first day of school and must be completed on the State of Illinois Department of Human Services Certificate of Child Health Examination.  Signed examinations are due at the time of registration  or prior to starting school.  The physical examination form requires three signatures to be considered "in compliance:"

1. Immunization section signed by health are provider
2. Health history signed by parent or legal guardian
3. Physical examination signed by MD, APN or PA

D70 families should make arrangements with physicians as soon as possible to ensure their child(ren) will have the required exams and immunizations before school starts.  

Students enrolling at the beginning of the school year who do not meet these requirements will be excluded from school attendance per district policy. Medical and religious objections to any physical examination or immunization must be submitted in writing and must contain the required information.


Department Staff
Kathy Panov, RN, BSN, 
District Nurse/Adler Park Nurse 
(847) 362-7275, ext. 1105 
Rebecca Powell, RN, ADN
Butterfield Nurse
(847) 362-3120, ext. 2105 
Alison Forsythe, RN, BSN
Copeland Manor Nurse 
(847) 362-0240, ext. 3105 
Nancy Johnson, RN,  
Highland Middle Nurse
(847) 362-9020, ext. 4105
Valorie Crusey, RN, BSN
Rockland Nurse
(847) 362-3134, etc. 5105  

Medical Forms

General Health Concerns

  • Please keep your child(ren) home when they are sick or not feeling well enough to be in school and consult your medical provider.
  • Inform your school nurse of your child(ren)'s symptoms and any diagnoses your child(ren) has received (i.e. Strep Throat, Conjunctivitis, Influenza, Covid, etc.)
  • Your school nurse will provide information on when your child(ren) may return to school, specific to their symptoms and/or diagnoses.


Immunization Data 24-25

Concussions, Head-Lice

COVID-19, Flu, RSV, and Meningococcal

Type 1 Diabetes Information

Undesignated Medication