Title I

Title I is a federally funded program designed to help students who experience difficulty in the areas of reading and/or mathematics. The Title I teacher works with students in small groups, teaching and reinforcing skills that will improve their academic success.

How are Title I funds utilized to support this additional support for children?
Title I funds are allocated based upon the enrollment of economically disadvantaged students in a district and school building. Title I funds are then used to offset the costs associated with providing instructional intervention to struggling students within that district or building. Those costs may include, but are not limited to, facilities management, employment salary and benefits, computers and software, and instructional materials. Adler Park School currently enrolls the greatest percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged and receives Title I funds.

A drawing of all the school mascots gathered in a group.

How are students chosen to participate in Title I services?
As part of Response to Intervention (an initiative designed to provide academic support to students) all students take the AIMSWeb, a universal screener that measures proficiency in reading and mathematics skills. If a student falls below the 25th percentile for his/her grade level, additional diagnostics are administered to determine if that student needs assistance. If that diagnostic measure indicates a student is below grade level, interventions are made available, one of which is Title I. Currently, Title I provides assistance to students in third, fourth and fifth grades. Additionally, any students who perform below the “Meets” category on the Illinois Student Achievement Tests (ISAT) also receive assistance.

How will my child receive Title I support?
The Title I teacher will work closely with the classroom teacher to support classroom activities while providing small group instruction at least 3 days per week, for approximately ½ hour per session. Students will not miss class time in the subject area in which they struggle (ie. a student would not be pulled from reading time if they struggle in reading). Title I support should be in addition to classroom instruction.

How long will my child receive support?
Program participation is dependent upon individual student progress. Students are dismissed when they reach grade level benchmarks, however are monitored by the Title I teacher throughout the year. If a student continues to struggle throughout the year, s/he may be referred for more intensive support.

How will I monitor my child’s progress?
The Title I teacher will send home progress reports with each student’s trimester report card. This progress report will contain information about students’ progress as well as ways that parents can help at home. 

How can parents help?
Parents will be asked to provide permission for their child to receive Title I support and also to read and sign the “Parent Compact”. The “Parent Compact” shares the responsibility of success among the teacher, parent and child. Parents, as always, are encouraged to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences. There will also be opportunities for parents of students receiving Title I support to attend special parent programs throughout the year to promote a love of reading and mathematics and to learn ways to support students at home.